A series of creative workshops which aim to help our clients build confidence and feel connected to their community have begun.
The first of our workshops was delivered by Seb Tribe from Terrapy. Participants learned about and made terrariums, one for them to keep and the other for Catching Lives to sell to raise money to continue the creative workshops. The next workshop was book-making and printing with Liz Wellstead.
Miriam Ellis, Arts and Activities Co-ordinator at Catching Lives, said: “A brilliant day was had by everyone and we look forward to the next one.”
One client said: “It was a very engaging and positive environment. 10/10. Would do this again.”
Another said: “This has helped me with my social skills and confidence.”
Seb will run another workshop in August and artist and print designer Liz Wellstead, artist and printmaker Lucy Stockwell, and decoupage and mural artist Kylie Hodge will also run two workshops each.
These workshops, part of the Streets Ahead Collective project, have been made possible by a Skills and Employability Grant from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with Canterbury Council as the lead authority.
Miriam added: “The workshops have been designed to boost people’s confidence and wellbeing, as well as for them to develop skills that might lead to future community engagement or employment.
“Thank you to Rock Paper Scissors for hosting the workshops and Liz Wellstead for her support and Chatterbox Community Cafe for the lovely sandwiches.”
The project has three elements. After the creative workshops, participants will learn retail and marketing skills before getting retail experience selling products at shops and community events.
At the end of the project, clients will be able to update or create their CV with all the skills and qualifications they have achieved. They have the potential to achieve three Badge Nation qualifications.
Badge Nation gives recognition to what individuals achieve and accomplish outside of formal accredited qualifications, using digital badges to motivate learning and ambition.